Sunday, November 27, 2005

Jack, doing a great job of carving a turkey, like he does every single year.


I am the short one of the family, Really I am, how scary is that??

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sunset while riding by the creek near my house.

John up at Cypresswood trails.

Oooh! Fountians can be pretty, or at least intresting.... maybe to me only?

Early morning from the parking lot at work, not a bad way to start the day...... well except starting later in the day.

Early Morning picture that is kinda cool, I like the graduations in the sky color.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Cute girl, scared out of her mind

See where the knife hit and where the carrot breaks?

The end of the Hoax

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

it is supposed to be stars, we will see if it works.
The way I figure it, ya'll deserve a few Photos if you are going to visit, so I ought to oblige.

Here is a photo I think is worth the sharing. It is not one that is even what I consider Wall Worthy, however, I think it does show some of the skill I can possess with a camera, let me know what ya'll think.